Sunday, March 23, 2008

If Vanessa Huxtable went to Brandcenter...

She'd be a whiny little B*- the whole time. Everyone would hate working with her cause all she would do is complain. Except she'd always bring Jello pudding pops for everyone in her meetings cause she would get them free from all her fictitional father's endorsements. We'd like that. We'd also like it when she'd organize everyone together on the stairs and have us perfrom lip syncing routines to James Brown and Ray Charles songs for Boyko and his wife. Although she would always get jealous when Sruti would steal the show with her lip syncing and dancing solos cause she's so adorable. No one would notice Vanessa again til the next pudding pop meeting came around. If Vanessa Huxtable went to Brandcenter.


joshy drops hammers! said...

I'm in enjoyment

Bukes said...

do a character from Doug, maybe roger clotz

Nate said...

Are you as funny as your imagination?

Anonymous said...


Nien said...
