Friday, February 29, 2008

Tales From My Childhood Vol I

In second grade my mom drove my two friends Adam and Megan and I to the mall where they were auditioning contestants for America's Funniest People. The one hosted by Dave Coulier aka Joey Gladstone from Full House. Not to be confused the America's Funniest Home Videos which was hosted by Bob Saget, aka Danny Tanner, also from Full house, making distiction between the shows annoyingly difficult and meaning for both of them to exist even more inane. We weren't planning on auditioning, just spectating. But in the car ride we decided to try and come up with something hilarious to audition with, and we would wing it. We ended up singing a remixed rendition of "Stop in the Name of Love" with lyrics alterd to "Buckle up in the Name of he Law." A PSA about driving safety. We auditioned. It wasn't funny.


ME said...

This was a good one, but I'm missing the series "If _________ went to Brandcenter."

More please.

ME said...

Jillian - how are you getting spam messages on your comments section?

That's awesome.