Saturday, December 29, 2007


I've for most of my life been motivated by guilt. If I don't do something, I fear regret and feel guilty until I do it. In advertising we use this "device" often. Mostly in cases of charity, non profit services and excercise equipment. But what if you didn't have to feel guilty about eating fourteen pounds of Christmas cookies in order to start working out? What if you donated and participated in save the world charities without Sally Struthers or Al Gore. What if you were inspired to create change. Oooh, breakthrough. Not really. I know it's not a new concept in advertising, but in our personal lives, maybe it is. If you can eliminate the need to feel guilty about something in order to motivate change, than maybe you can prosper easier. So my new years resolution is to search hard to find motivation through inspiration rather than regret. We're reminded all the time to get inspired with our work. And if it makes our work better, it must work for other things too. I've also heard it prevents becoming a jaded pessimistic asshole.

But side effects may also include overoptimism like this guy.

Hmmm. Get pumped 2008 it's time to get inspired.


not eb said...

He has a magnificent form.

Bukes said...

and smile

di said...

i've worried about turning into that guy since the day i saw the info-mercial.

and if you are looking for a good charity case, you can pay off my credit card bill from october 2006.
