Saturday, October 20, 2007

Revenge of the authentic nerds

A few weeks ago I shamlessly rented "Blades of Glory," hoping to get a laugh. I knew it wasn't going to be good cause everyone told me it wasn't going to be good. But I spent 4 dollars on it anyway. And it wasn't good.

But that really didn't disapoint me. Besides the terrible writing, what disapointed me was that the casting just didn't work. After seeing Jon Heder as Napoleon Dynamite, I just couldn't watch him in this role. I think it's because he just seemed so authentic as that other character. I really thought Jon Heder WAS Napoleon Dynomite and I had a hard time separating the two. It led me to the conclusion that if you really want a good movie, you have to be authentic with casting. So from now on, I think only nerds should be aloud to play nerds.

Then I unearthed this treasure as the best an purest example of my point. This is REAL nerd genius. Not that fake Jon Heder stuff:


ME said...

Your video is no longer available. Crap, Jillian. I got my headphones out and everything.

Bukes said...

That guy.